Thursday, February 28, 2008

I Didn't Wanna Do It...

No, I won't break out into "You Made Me Love You", but I honestly didn't want to start a blog. I imagined 'blog frequenters/creators' to be one of the following:
- in high school
-a femme nazi
-uneducated people who think the world is interested in what they have to say

I am happy to report that the bloggers I have recently become acquainted with are none of the above. So I will do my best to seamlessly join them.

I've been inspired to write a lot lately, but...alas, we live in a computers-are-necessary-to-breathe world and I, unfortunately, feel that I can't write by hand quick enough for my brain. And the fact that I have no computer in my life is a problem. Scratch that--it's a downright hindrance. I have a roommate who graciously allows me access to his computer from time to time. But too often, I find myself frequenting Facebook or some ridiculous celebrity news site instead of opening Microsoft Word and creating.
We are so fascinated in what other people are doing (ie. Perez Hilton, Idon', that we've lost touch with how inherently cool the 'self' can be. Yes, I do find Jake Gylenhaal's 'friend' fascinating...But when did I become so uninteresting that I became enamored with someone else's existence over my own. Someone I'll never meet. (I'm such a pessimist! I met Rosie O'Donnell today. Who's to say, right?!...right.)
I'm pretty cool. And I can say that because I lived through eleven grades of being the biggest loser you've ever met. In any cliche high school teenie bopper film ever created, the freak who no one likes (who eats his lunch in the bathroom stall...*clears throat* okay, it was the choir room..not the bathroom, but close enough!!!), that was me! Somewhere between my senior year in high school and college, from outside perspective, I became 'cool'. I didn't change...I just think everyone's priorities changed. It was no longer about who you know, who you're friends with, or what group you're involved in. In college, it's every man for himself. And since I'm smart :), I quickly became the guy leading study groups. That's right! Big M.
This is a tangent. I didn't mean to talk about my grueling adolescence. I just merely wanted to shed light on the simple fact that we are forcing ourselves to become echoes of a sect of people (celebrities, regardless of reason for celebrity) for this simple reason: they're shithouse crazy. And human beings are inherently enthralled with destruction, be it self-induced or man vs. man, man vs. nature (Thank you, Mrs. Richter and The Old Man and the Sea). And we are idly sitting back, watching, with popcorn...waiting for an update.

This is a very random first blog...but it's what came out. And I have vowed that I will stop censoring myself.
I think I'll end each blog with a quote. They probably will never have anything to do with how I'm feeling at the time...just something I find worth a pause.

"What was it about this unlovable century that convinced us we were, despite everything, eminently lovable as a people, as a species? What made us think anyone who fails to love us is damaged, lacking, malfunctioning in some way?...We are so convinced of the goodness of ourselves, and the goodness of our love, we cannot bear to believe that there might be something more worthy of love than us...Greeting cards routinely tell us everybody deserves love. No. Everybody deserves clean water. Not everybody deserves love all the time."

Zadie Smith, "White Teeth"