Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'm the One Who Wants to Love You More...

*cue violins* ....That's right, folks. I'm seeing Celine Dion in concert in September. HAHAHA!! I'm so excited. And dorky. But I don't care. Call me what you will; I'm pumped!
So I saw A Chorus Line last night. Every time I go to the theater, I have a dual reaction. It's so strange. Half of me, (the entertained half), is so excited and has such a good time. The other, and unfortunately, much more prominent, half of me is racked with frustration/anger/guilt/and a sudden urge to finally jump in there and attend auditions. Or just jump. *weak laughter*
So I'm sitting here at work...doing nothing, again. My friend, Angela, just came by and hung out for a little while...therefore, I've been amused. But now I'm alone again. At a desk. I could delve into negative energy again right now, but I'm choosing to take a higher ground. I'm going to set up the rehearsal rooms and then sing a little bit in one of the studios. I miss having a piano in my life. I miss sitting up until two in the morning, making up songs with Tim. I miss the happiness it brings me to be alone and just singing Ben Folds or Billy Joel tunes. I need a piano in my next apartment. I've decided I can't live without one. Speaking of my next apartment, I'm finally looking for a new one. Thank the Lord. I can't. I just can't anymore.
Okay...I'm going to set up an Easter egg hunt for my co-workers now. Happy Easter, all!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son."

John 3:16

Monday, March 10, 2008

You're the Magic that Holds the Sky Up

Ben Folds always gets it right. You know what's so great about his lyrics, melodies, and music, in general? Each song is a story. And each story is ridiculously human. I firmly believe that there's not a person out there who can't connect with AT LEAST one of his songs. And if you care to challenge that, prepare to be destroyed.
I could go on about Ben all day, but instead I'll just give you these.

(Please forgive for the back up vocals)

Love it. Anyway, I'm feeling kinda down today. Whether or not the six hours of throwing up this morning has something to do with it, I'm not sure. But something is just not meshing right now. I'm ill at ease, as Mr. Wilde might write. I don't know if he ever wrote that, by the way. It just seems like something he'd write. I'm not terribly unhappy right now; I just want MORE. More what, you may ask? I can't answer that question. More fulfillment. More love. More enjoyment. More quiet. More reading, therefore more education. I'm reminded of Linda Eder's song, I Want More. And it's a good one if you haven't heard it. Can someone please force me to attend an audition. Please. AGHHHHHHHHHHH! I don't know how much longer I can be invisible.

*Brought to you by the whiniest bitch on the Upper Upper West Side.

"The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment."

--Earl Nightingale

Monday, March 3, 2008

Take Me As I Am

Thank you, Bryan Adams. Please...take me as I am (afterthought: don't take my life though.) Why are we hell bent on breaking other people down into something that may or may not fit into our lives? When did we all 'realize' that others just don't measure up? I'm not pointing fingers; I'm just as guilty. I know it's trite and simple to say "Love people for who they are". But if that's too much to stomach, how about "RESPECT people for who they are." You don't have to love me and I, certainly, do not have to love you.
Furthermore, where's the reciprocative gentility we used to have? When someone says 'Thank you'. You simply say 'You're welcome'. When someone says 'Excuse me..." Would it KILL you to say 'Excuse me' or 'That's okay' in response? When did we forget this?
I see it on the subway, on the street, going in or out of a store, and in the workplace.

It's not okay. I am a good person, damn it. I try very hard to be the person my parents raised me to be. Why would someone want to squander that kind of behavior? Bitterness? Probable. Anger issues? You betcha. Just a desire to be mean and display authority? *raises eyebrow*

James Taylor says 'Shower the people you love with love. Show them the way that you feel. Thing are gonna be much better if you only will." He does not school us on what to do with those who only rain on our parades. Where are you now, JT?! I need your help.

"I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me...All I ask is that you respect me as a human being."

--Jackie Robinson