Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'm the One Who Wants to Love You More...

*cue violins* ....That's right, folks. I'm seeing Celine Dion in concert in September. HAHAHA!! I'm so excited. And dorky. But I don't care. Call me what you will; I'm pumped!
So I saw A Chorus Line last night. Every time I go to the theater, I have a dual reaction. It's so strange. Half of me, (the entertained half), is so excited and has such a good time. The other, and unfortunately, much more prominent, half of me is racked with frustration/anger/guilt/and a sudden urge to finally jump in there and attend auditions. Or just jump. *weak laughter*
So I'm sitting here at work...doing nothing, again. My friend, Angela, just came by and hung out for a little while...therefore, I've been amused. But now I'm alone again. At a desk. I could delve into negative energy again right now, but I'm choosing to take a higher ground. I'm going to set up the rehearsal rooms and then sing a little bit in one of the studios. I miss having a piano in my life. I miss sitting up until two in the morning, making up songs with Tim. I miss the happiness it brings me to be alone and just singing Ben Folds or Billy Joel tunes. I need a piano in my next apartment. I've decided I can't live without one. Speaking of my next apartment, I'm finally looking for a new one. Thank the Lord. I can't. I just can't anymore.
Okay...I'm going to set up an Easter egg hunt for my co-workers now. Happy Easter, all!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son."

John 3:16

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