Monday, March 10, 2008

You're the Magic that Holds the Sky Up

Ben Folds always gets it right. You know what's so great about his lyrics, melodies, and music, in general? Each song is a story. And each story is ridiculously human. I firmly believe that there's not a person out there who can't connect with AT LEAST one of his songs. And if you care to challenge that, prepare to be destroyed.
I could go on about Ben all day, but instead I'll just give you these.

(Please forgive for the back up vocals)

Love it. Anyway, I'm feeling kinda down today. Whether or not the six hours of throwing up this morning has something to do with it, I'm not sure. But something is just not meshing right now. I'm ill at ease, as Mr. Wilde might write. I don't know if he ever wrote that, by the way. It just seems like something he'd write. I'm not terribly unhappy right now; I just want MORE. More what, you may ask? I can't answer that question. More fulfillment. More love. More enjoyment. More quiet. More reading, therefore more education. I'm reminded of Linda Eder's song, I Want More. And it's a good one if you haven't heard it. Can someone please force me to attend an audition. Please. AGHHHHHHHHHHH! I don't know how much longer I can be invisible.

*Brought to you by the whiniest bitch on the Upper Upper West Side.

"The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment."

--Earl Nightingale

1 comment:

Der Fanatiker said...

You like B Folds? Did I ever tell you my story of meeting him? He was hella nice. If I haven't, then I'll have to tell you sometime.

P.s. This is Joshua P