Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"It Doesn't Hurt..."

"unless I walk." Sorry, Katie Thompson--I know you meant those lyrics to be sad and heartwrenching, but I am referring to my sun burn. It still hurts so bad. Worst spots: forehead and tops of my thighs. It really hurts to walk. Dramatic. I know.

Speaking of dramatic...

It wasn't AWFUL. But that's possibly because the experience was made enjoyable by spending time with such good company.

Something else I watched last night....

It was a very interesting night. To say the least.

Yesterday, I spent all day recording a song with Blake, which I haven't done in awhile. At first, I was getting really frustrated with myself and then we just kept going at it and then kinda just made a breakthrough. It made me really happy. I guess I just have to warm up for five hours every day?!? Kill me.

I got news that my family is safe from Mr. Gustav. That's good news. After Hurricane Rita a few years back, I think everyone was kind of expecting the worst. Isn't that the way with us humans though? We dream of what good things could happen to us; but in our ordinary day, we assume and expect the very worst.

"We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that is a decision."-- Gary Collins

1 comment:

Brian said...

That picture of you with the headphones on is totes adorbs!